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www.hodgepodgeusa.com > Textbook - ECONOMICS U$A by Edwin Mansfield
Textbook - ECONOMICS U$A by Edwin Mansfield
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Price: $14.58
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: CBEUS


Book is "like new" condition. Workbook is also available.

Additional Information about Economics U$A
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This title introduces readers to economics and how it applies to real-world situations. Case studies in each chapter illustrate specific topics such as the savings and loan crisis, economic growth in Asia, deficit cutting, and the shift from communism to capitalism.
Height: 9.3 in.
Width: 7.3 in.
Thickness: 0.8 in.
Weight: 35.2 oz.
Publisher's Note
ECONOMICS U$A introduces the reader to the subject of economics and how it applies to real world situations. Case studies in each chapter illustrate specific topics such as the savings and loan crisis, economic growth in Asia, deficit cutting, the shift from communism to capitalism, how environmental issues like global warming affect the economy, and much more. Illustrated with line drawings and photos.