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THE AGENDA by Bob Woodward
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Price: $16.11
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Prod. Code: CBTAG

  • Title: The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House by Bob Woodward (1994, Hardcover)
  • Author: Bob Woodward
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Publication Year: 1994
  • ISBN-10: 0671864866
  • ISBN-13: 9780671864866 Average sale price
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    This in-depth portrait of the first 100 days of the first Bill Clinton administration is based on the author's unusual access to meetings and documents, as well as his incisive follow-up interviews with key staff (including George Stephanopoulos). Coming off a successful campaign whose message, "It's the economy stupid!" set the agenda for economic reform, we see Clinton and team (including First Lady Hillary) focus on health care, welfare, and the budget, as they encounter what every group in business and government encounters: issues of communication, message, focus, time, and setbacks. Furthermore, they were are virtual outsiders in a town run largely by tradition, ritual, and ingrained practices. Published in 1994 when Bill Clinton was still somewhat unknown to many, THE AGENDA is a prime example of the Woodward treatment of a subject, and provides a snapshot of an administration--and a president--that had much more history to come.

    Key Details
    Publication Date: 1994-06-01

    Publication Date: 1994-06-01

    Publisher's Note
    A close-up, thought-provoking study of Bill Clinton and his closest advisors follows the president and his team as they attempt to fulfill Clinton's campaign promises. By the author of All the President's Men. 400,000 first printing.

    Book is in like new condition.